After the amazing team spirit of the past Superhero Series events, we’ve signed up again to At Home Superheroes – Superheroes on Vacation! – Virtually, of course!!!
You can set your own personal target, from a few steps to a few miles! However you wish to participate, so longs you’re moving your body, you will be adding to the distance travelled. You could even do lots of different activities, for example, stretches in the pool, taking your dog for a walk, throwing and catching a ball or doing seated star jumps. The more inventive, the better! You could even choose to use your Super Senses to reach a goal, completing fun challenges like the Sniff or Taste Test, or even the Bubble Pop Challenge! Here’s a link if you need inspiration on Super Sensory Challenges that we’ve done in the past.
If you would like to dress up as a superhero, that’s great too! There are t-shirts included in your race pack, if you prefer not to dress up, we don’t mind!
So, when will the virtual event happen? Team Strongbones will be completing the challenge over the weekend of Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th July 2021. We can’t wait to see your super photographs and videos on our social media pages!
If you would like to take part in this event please contact us.