We have purchased multiple equipment through the year, below are some examples of the equipment we have funded recently.
Acheeva – An Acheeva is a seating solution that enables a child to sit upright with the correct posture. An Acheeva can also turn into a bed, removing the need to constantly transfer a child from one piece of equipment to another.
Molift Portable Hoist – Molift smart hoists can be charged, folded down, and placed in the boot of a car to be taken wherever the family may go. Therefore, this hoist enables a variation in seating positions, which can also be used as a portable changing facility that fits into the back of a mobility car, allowing trips to parks and social activities to become more accessible to them.
Ropox Table – The Ropox table is an innovative, height adjustable table for wheelchair users. Its unique design can be used to facilitate a range of children or adult’s activities.
P-Pod – The p-pod is a seating solution that ensures that the child sits with the correct posture.